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세계의 다양한 학교급식 본문

수평과 수직 /이슈·외부 글

세계의 다양한 학교급식

숲 지기 2019. 11. 9. 08:23





주식은 밥이고, 연어, 라타투이, 셀러드, 오랜지 하나와 빵 한조각과 도너스 하나.








Folie 2 von 20: Two lunch trays at a primary school in London are served during a lunch break on Tuesday, May 6, 2014. The meal choice at right consists of pasta with fresh broccoli and slices of bread, and seasonal fresh fruit. At left are vegetable chili with rice and fresh broccoli, sponge cake with custard, and a banana. The drink options are milk and water. (AP Photo/Sang Tan)



영국의 전형적인 점심메뉴. 오른쪽은 국수 브로콜리와 빵 한조각이고 왼쪽은 야채고추,밥,브로콜리, 바나나 하나와 케잌과 바나나푸딩








Folie 3 von 20: School lunch which is made of all domestic food, for junior high school students in Kawasaki Japan. Curry, wheat rice, pickled cucumber and carrots and radish, yogurt, milk.



일본 학교급식은 주로 우유 밥 된장국과 야채를 곁들인 돼지고기









Folie 4 von 20: A school lunch featuring a grilled cheese sandwich on whole grain bread is served with a southwestern-style corn salad, fresh carrots and either canned pears or apple sauce Monday, May 5, 2014, at Mirror Lake Elementary School in Federal Way, Wash., south of Seattle. on this day, students could choose between this lunch or a green salad entree option featuring low-sodium chicken, a whole-grain roll, fresh red peppers, and cilantro dressing. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)



구운 치즈샌드위치, 우유, 셀러드, 당근, 절인 배와 사과소스










Folie 5 von 20: A school lunch at El Caminet del Besos kindergarten is pictured in Barcelona, Spain, Tuesday, May 6, 2014. The lunch is composed of cream of vegetable soup, pan-fried breast of veal with salad, a piece of bread, an orange or banana and water. Most countries seem to put a premium on feeding school children a healthy meal at lunchtime. U.S. first lady Michelle Obama is on a mission to make American school lunches healthier too. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)



주식은 야채수프, 볶은 송아지고기와 셀러드,작은 빵조각, 오랜지와 바나나 하나씩








Folie 6 von 20: Kimchi, spinach soup, rice, seaweed, sprouts and 2 different types of salad.




점심으로 특별히 김치가 들어가고, 시금치국,밥,김,콩나물과 다양한 셀러드









Folie 7 von 20: Baani, a 5-year-old Indian schoolgirl, eats her lunch prepared by her mother, consisting of flatbread, a turnip dish and mangoes, at a school in Jammu, India, Tuesday, May 6, 2014. Most countries seem to put a premium on feeding school children a healthy meal at lunchtime. U.S. first lady Michelle Obama is on a mission to make American school lunches healthier too, by replacing greasy pizza and french fries with whole grains, low fat protein, fresh fruit and vegetables. (AP Photo/Channi Anand)



주로 로티(Roti, 인도식 얇은 빵)과 야채, 카레와 과일








Folie 8 von 20: Milagro Ramos, a student at the Angela Landa elementary school, spoons up rice from her lunch tray, which also contains a chicken croquette, a piece of taro root and yellow pea soup in Old Havana, Cuba, Tuesday, May 6, 2014. Milagro brought fried plantains, lower left corner of her tray, and an orange drink from home. The children provide their own drinks. (AP Photo/Franklin Reyes)




쿠바의 학교급식 주메뉴로는 자주 닭고기 크로켓이 오르고, 노란 강낭콩수프,밥,타로뿌리 조금.









Folie 9 von 20: Bowls of salad are ready to be served, Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at Delcare Edu Center, a local kindergarten and child care center in the business district of Singapore. Everyday, lunch is prepared by the school's kitchen staff, who take great care to promote healthy eating in the selection of their ingredients and methods of food preparation. The children in this school are also taught to accept a wide variety of food and a weekly menu is prepared by the principal each school term. Healthy snacks consisting of fruits, home-made bread, natural beans, soup and barley are served between meals. (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E)











Folie 10 von 20: A student's lunch box brought from home sits on display at an elementary school in Quito, Ecuador, Tuesday, May 6, 2014. The lunch consists of a sandwich of ham, cheese, tomato and lettuce, a boxed oatmeal drink, and an apple. (AP Photo/Dolores Ochoa)



주로 Schinken과 치즈 셀러드를 넣은 샌드위치, 사과하나와 Haferflocken음료스







Folie 11 von 20: Palestinian students hold up their sandwiches of pita bread stuffed with olive oil and zaatar, a mixture of herbs and spices, brought from home, during their half-hour mid-day break at about 11 a.m. in the West Bank city of Nablus, Tuesday, May 6, 2014. Palestinian children in the West Bank usually eat during recess in the schoolyard, as there are no dining rooms in schools. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed)




서요르단의 팔래스티나 학교에서는 피타빵 샌드위치를 먹는데 그 속은 각종향초와 양념,올리브기름,차타르가 들어 있다.








Folie 12 von 20: Sri, a house maid, shows a lunch box she prepared for her employer's child, at an elementary school in Jakarta, Indonesia, Tuesday, May 6, 2014. The lunch consists of rice, meatball soup, and tofu and vegetables. Most countries put a premium on feeding school children a healthy meal at lunchtime. The new American standards for school lunches are giving kids in the United States a taste of the good life already experienced by school children around the world. (AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim)



대부분 밥,고기가 든 동그랑땡,두부,야채








Folie 13 von 20: Assorted lunch plates are arranged at a table for students at the Bahria Foundation school in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Tuesday, May 6, 2014. Most of the kids seen there have home cooked food for lunch. Principal Syeda Arifa Mohsin says the school tries to dissuade parents from fixing junk food for their children. “If we discover that a child has junk food, we ask his or her parents to please make a little effort for their child’s health,” Mohsin says. (AP Photo/Anjum Naveed)



계란,낡고기누것,빵,밥 혹은 국수








Folie 14 von 20: TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY FRANCOISE MICHEL - Young Italian kids take their lunch break at an Elementary School in Rome, 04 December 2007. Rome's school cafeterias are enjoying a nutrition revolution as tens of thousands of children sit down to healthy, eco-friendly meals under strict rules.     AFP PHOTO / ALBERTO PIZZOLI (Photo credit should read ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP/Getty Images)



주식은 국수 아니면 리조토(밥),셀러드는 따로 전채요리로 제공된다.







Folie 15 von 20: GOETTINGEN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 19: Lunch in a school canteen on September 19, 2014, in Goettingen, Germany. Photo by Michael Gottschalk/Photothek via Getty Images)***Local Caption***



주식은 육식요리에 소스와 계절야채








Folie 17 von 20: A math book that reads "Made in Venezuela" is seen next to meal boxes during lunch break at an improvised classroom in a communal house, which is part of state school Monsenor Marco Tulio Ramirez Roa, in La Fria, Venezuela June 2, 2016. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins SEARCH "VENEZUELA SCHOOL" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES



주로 국수와 아레파스(Arepas)라 불리는 옥수수가루케잌








Folie 16 von 20: CHINA - NOVEMBER 01:  School of Opera of Beijing, China in November, 2002 - Lunch takes place from 11:30 to 12 noon. The school has three canteens, one by floor. The canteen has a choice of about ten dishes. The meals are paid for with a magnetic card.  (Photo by Herve BRUHAT/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)



주로 밥, 콩,다양한 야채








Folie 18 von 20: A lunch box containing rice with chicken Milanesa (chicken covered with egg and bread) sits on a table where kids ages 2 to 5 have lunch at a school in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tuesday, May 6, 2014. Argentine culture celebrates tight-knit families with multiple generations living together or just down the street, meaning most children have been able to count on some relative providing a hot homemade lunch before or after they attend public school, which is generally taught in four-hour shifts in the morning or afternoon. (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)



주로 육류요리 엠파나다(Empananda, 빵반죽에 고기를 넣어 구움), 밀라네사(Milanesa,계란과 빵으로 덮은 빵조각)과 감자








Folie 19 von 20: Smorrebrod - danish open sandwich with fish, herring, cheese



학생들은 주로 스모르브레드(Smorrebred)가 든 빵을 집에서 도시락으로 준비해 온다.

이는 짙은 갈색의 호밀빵에 간소세지 연어 살라미 등을 넣은 샌드위치







Folie 20 von 20: Hernekeitto - Finnish split pea soup



핀란드 학교급식은 대부분 채식.  목요일은 핀란드 전통에 따라 헤르네케이토(Hernekeito)라는 이름의 초록 강낭콩 수프를 주로 먹는다.







자료(기사와 사진)제공



  • 파란편지2019.11.09 01:51 신고

    숲지기님은 어느 나라의 급식을 드시고 싶었습니까?
    저는 한 번이라면 에콰도르, 파키스탄, 독일을 먹고 싶다고 하며 내려오다가
    더 먹고 싶어서 배는 부르지만
    아르헨티나, 스칸디나비아, 핀란드는 어쨌든 꼭 먹겠다고 욕심을 부렸습니다.
    특별한 급식을 맛보게 해주셔서 고맙습니다.

    • 숲지기2019.11.09 13:01

      교장선생님이시니, 학생들이 뭘 어떻게 먹는지
      관심이 크신 것을 이해합니다.
      저는 스칸디나비아 식을 원합니다.
      제가 늘 쓰는 방법이기도 하고요.
      제가 아는 재료로 준비해가는 도시락입니다.

  • snooker2019.11.10 13:51 신고

    아르헨티나 껄로 주시면 고맙겠습니다.
    지가 엠빠나다 킬러구만여.

    • 숲지기2019.11.12 02:03

      워낙 식도락가이시니,
      각 대륙마다의 음식도 다 섭렵하셨군요.

  • 노루2019.11.12 03:41 신고

    한창 자라는 나이의 학생들을 위한 점심이라
    당연히 그래야 하겠지만, 다 훌륭한 점심이어서,
    "내가 너무 조금 먹는 건가?" 그런 생각을 해보게도
    하네요. 치즈 얹은 빵 두 쪽이 평소 점심이니까요.
    누가 싸주는 거라면 알차고 간편해서도(먹기에,
    가지고 다니기에) 저 스칸디나비아 빵을 선택하겠네요.

    • 숲지기2019.11.12 17:27

      노루님께서 소식을 하실 거라고 늘 생각했습니다.
      그래서 그 몸매(!)를 유지하시고요.
      저도 저(스칸디나비아) 정도 도시락을 싸다닙니다만......

      스트레스를 받을 저는 포만감이 느껴지는 된장찌개로 위로를 받습니다.
      매일 저녁 그렇게 먹으면 매일 그런 위로가 필요한 것이고요.
      위장과 행복호르몬의 상관관계가 저에겐 더 돈독한가 봅니다.

  • style esther2019.11.27 03:25 신고

    도쿄는 초등학교만 급식이고
    나머진 다 도시락 싸야합니다.
    저는 급식 정말 좋아하는데..
    서울살땐 더 자주 그랬지만
    지금도 가끔 근처 대학식당에 가서 점심 먹을 때가 있어요^^
